

Father, We come to You.

You have called us—and are calling us—to worship You and Love You.

Therefore we come before You as we are.

We come with our hopes, fears, sin and failures, disappointments, and many things we do not yet understand about ourselves.

We ask You to speak to us today through Your Word.

We ask You to settle our hearts and minds and guide them to find their rest in You.

We ask You to comfort us and assure us of Your presence.

We ask You to teach us to Pray and seek You with the details of our lives.

We ask You to revive us and empower us to make much of Your Name.

Bless us with Your Presence.


READING (someone else read aloud):

Have someone read Psalm 85 aloud. Then spend a few moments silently pondering what God is saying through this Psalm to Israel. Consider if there are enduring truths that voice the longings and desires you also feel?


What are you thankful for? 

What is causing you stress?

Who needs our help and how can we help them?


Let the subjects brought up in your conversation and from Psalm 85 lead you to prayer. Spend a few moments praying conversationally. Pray in sentences, not paragraphs. Pray multiple times and allow the prayer of others to stimulate your prayers. When the group falls silent, anyone can say amen and close the group prayer.


READ philippians TOGETHER:

Have a few volunteers read all of Philippians aloud. Go heading-by-heading or chapter by chapter around the room. If someone is very uncomfortable reading aloud, they should opt-out and feel at-peace with their decision.


Conclude with a short prayer of thanks and need of guidance from one or more people. 


  • Throughout your day, reflect on your time together and how the Holy Spirit is ministering to the needs of your soul.

  • Are there things you’d like to try or do differently next Sunday when you meet again?


  • Be gentle with yourself and mindful about how you spend your time.

  • Resist entertainment, media, and news today.

  • Instead give priority to God’s Word, ongoing prayer, and the needs of those around you.

  • Take a walk with family or friends, converse, pray for the homes as you walk by them, enjoy one another’s company.

  • Remember to laugh.